By: Rice, Ronald ,2006
This study analyzed the influences on the student evaluation of a wireless course feedback system in two Master's classes, using a baseline influence survey, two later evaluation surveys, system data about answering review questions, and ratings and open-ended comments on the final course evaluation. Influences studied include demographics, variety of computer usage, web expertise, computer-email-web fluency (three dimensions), computer-mediated competency (eight dimensions), levels of exposure to the system, and use of the system for in-class reviews and discussions.
The study sample were graduate students enrolled in one or two courses (Research Methods, and Mediated Communication in Organizations) in a Master's program at a large Northeastern research university. A total of 61 students were enrolled in both courses (37 and 24, respectively). However, 10 students were enrolled in both courses so were asked to complete only one of the surveys. Also, a few others completed only one of the baseline or evaluation questionnaires.
The participants completed three questionnaires, one baseline and two evaluation surveys; the study tracked two kinds of CPS usage during the semester; and the participants completed the normal, university-wide instructional ratings course evaluation forms at the end of the semester.
The questionnaires consisted of 114 items and was administered during the second week of classes, one week before the CPS(Classroom Performance System ) technology was first used. It contains four sets of questions: 1. demographics and usage 2. a web expertise scale 3. a computer-email-web fluency scale 4. a computer-mediated communication competency scale.